
GPS Trackers Catch Thieves

We have learned to use today's GPS tracking technology to keep track of people, pets, vehicles, bikes and so much more. Garmin, TomTom and other like manufacturers have given us much to choose from. It seems as though the only thing limiting our usage of GPS Trackers, is our own creativity. It seems as though the only thing limiting our usage of GPS Trackers, is our own ingenuity.
A university located in a southern state became plagued by bicycle thefts on their campus. They began testing a specific GPS tracking system that only worked within designated safe zones. If a bike got moved anywhere outside of these specific zones, a text message or email was immediately sent to the bike's owner within thirty seconds. The developers say that once the bike is actually moving, the system can track its location online. At that point, the thief can be quickly arrested. GPS trackers have been developed that are about the size of a hide-a-key box and can fit on a bicycle with ease.
The home construction and remodeling industry also found an exciting application for these GPS trackers. Typically, during a home construction, appliances, fixtures and items such as water heaters are delivered to the site in preparation of the final install. Sadly, criminals pray on such sites to steal and resell these brand new appliances and fixtures for quick cash. Refrigerators, stoves, microwave ovens, dishwashers, hot water heaters, air conditioning units, trash compactors, wine refrigerators, sinks and even toilets are among the items most popular with these criminals. We now have a solution. Simply place a small, magnetic GPS device in an inconspicuous place on the appliance or fixture. If the article is removed, you can track its location on your cell phone or computer, call the police and quickly recover the item while having the thieves arrested as well.
Word is out that a man in Florida was answering ads for appliances being sold privately on Craigslist. He would contact the owner, get the address where the appliances were, steal them, and then sell them for himself. He had been making a living in this way for quite some time. Finally, someone who had advertised a refrigerator for sale, decided to place a small GPS tracker on the unit. Once the GPS tracker alerted the owner that the appliance had removed from his premises, the owner contacted the police and together they caught and locked up the career criminal.
A related GPS story tells of a thief preying on construction sites in California who loaded up his van with expensive air conditioning units. Fortunately he didn't get too far because the site manager had placed some GPS trackers on the units hoping to avoid just such an incident. Within thirty seconds the manager received a text message that the units were on the move. He contacted the police and the thief was caught red-handed with the a/c units in his possession.
 The time has come to broaden our thinking as it relates to GPS trackers and units. We have routinely relied on these devices to protect us and our loved ones. Now, we can also count on them to safeguard the possessions we hold dear.
Bradley Jacobs is a GPS enthusiast and touts the benefits of garmin, tomtom, magellan, lowrance, and other gps system available with unmatched on-line store experience. With over 20 years of direct engineering, marketing, and customer service experience in the GPS industry, he is uniquely qualified to offer top-level support. His favorite distributor, GPS City, sells to thousands of customers in the USA, Canada, and worldwide. They range from small businesses to many Fortune 500 companies. From major universities and technical colleges to the Pentagon, Canada's DND, military and other government institutions.

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Vehicle Tracking said...

Helpful post regarding GPS Trackers. GPS Trackers are also very helpful to catch the theft vehicles. The advantages of trackers is developed that are about the size of a hide-a-key box and can fit on a bicycle with ease. Thanks for sharing such useful information with us.

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