
How Marketing Methods Have Changed Over the Past Decade

Marketing is one of the main ways in which businesses generate sales and promote products and services. Marketing methods have changed over the last decade so make sure you are up-to-speed with the best ways to target potential customers.

Society has changed over the past 10 years and consequently, marketing methods have adapted to suit growing trends and customer behaviour.

Marketing is a business function which helps organisations understand what customers wants and needs are, aids development of a product or service which meets these needs and then gets the goods in front of the customer.

Marketing activities veary hugely and include everything needed to get initially create or develop a product and then get it into the hands of the customer. The function of marketing is essential for every business and can range from developing and designing a product or service to setting a price and them promoting the product appropriately.

In the not too distant past, marketing was a largely paper based activity with print media taking precedence. Technological developments over the past decade have changed the marketing methods now commonly used, so it is important to ensure your business is up-to-date with all the potential ways in which customers can be communicated with. Keeping ahead of these trends can have a profound affect on your business so it pays to be informed.

The majority of households in Britain now have internet access and this has changed the way organisations communicate with customers and market their products.

Marketers are now able to use tools such as social networking and email marketing to target prospective customers. Social media has made two-way communication easier between organisation and customer and is proving valuable when trying to gain more insight into customer’s attitudes and perceptions.

Technological advances are enabling marketing professionals to use more specifically targeted digital channels to get their message across and email marketing is a low cost way to get your message directly to consumers.

Digital marketing may be on the rise but print marketing methods are still of significance and an integrated communications approach which fuses old methods with new is the best way of moving forward.

Customer segmentation is more important than ever as audiences become more fragmented. This has led to an increase in the number of specialist publications, websites and television channels so keeping astride of this is integral to delivering targeted marketing campaigns.

Promotional materials have remained popular over the years and you can purchase branded items which are tailored to suit your audience, whoever they may be.

Promotional materials that customers are likely to use every day can enhance brand image and reputation and gain daily exposure for your company.

When it comes to choosing what sort of promotional item you wish to brand and distribute, begin by thinking about who your target audience are and what they might do on a daily basis. Items which can be used by everyone are ideal; promotional mugs, pens, bags and notebooks are all excellent examples. But it is always important, when choosing your business gifts, to allow for logistical implications - if you want to mail something out, then promotional pens are a good way to go where printed mugs would not be.


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