
Building Healthy Relationships

Posted by Meadow Summers on Friday, January 21, 2011
A healthy relationship is essential in anyone’s life. You may have healthy relationships with any person in your life - from family to friends to work associates, and etc. Relationships need time, care and energy to make them stronger.

What is a healthy relationship?

Communication and participation: The vital part of any healthy relationship is talking and listening to each other. Sharing your feelings with someone and believing that he/she will be there to listen to you and support you goes a long way in helping one feel secure and loved. In a healthy relationship, people do not lie. Communication is based on trust and honesty.

Trust and Respect

In a healthy relationship, you learn to trust and respect people that are significant in your life. While disagreements can still happen, you discover how to be calm and tell the other person what you are feeling. Being calm helps you to know the true reason behind a situation and it is much easier to understand how to solve the problem. In a healthy relationship, working through the problems makes a relationship tougher and respect is vital. That includes knowing how to respect and listen to yourself and your feelings, thus you may set limits and keep the calm. 

There are many ways to keep a relationship healthy. Here are a few healthy relationship tips:
  • Keep your expectations sensible. People sometimes disappoint us. However, a disagreement in a relationship does not have to mean all or nothing as far as trust goes. A healthy relationship means accepting the person for who he or she is and not trying to change them.
  • Discuss things. Communication is vital in a healthy relationship.
  • Be open. Nearly all of us try to keep situations just the way we like them to be. It is natural to be afraid, angry or sad when things or people change and we aren’t ready for it. A healthy relationship means change and growth.
  • Look after yourself. Please yourself as well. A healthy relationship is mutual.
  • Be reliable. If you have plans with somebody, follow up. If you have a target, meet it. If you are taking on a responsibility, take care of that. A healthy relationship builds trust.
  • Fight fair. The majority of relationships have conflict. That means you do not always agree on everything. It does not mean you do not love each other.
  • Show warmth. Surveys tell us that warmth is valued with most people in their relationships. Healthy relationships show emotional warmth.
  • Keep your life in balance. Other people assist us in creating fulfilling lives, but they can not provide satisfaction for us. Only you can fill your life. Healthy relationships are not dependent.
  • Be yourself. Healthy relationships are when people can be themselves and not feel they have to behave a certain way to be accepted. 

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Brian Lara said...

Helpful read in which you explain nicely that What is a healthy relationship? You are right that the vital part of any healthy relationship is talking and listening to each other carefully and trust and respect are very important factors which are helpful for healthy relationship.

Thanks & Regards
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