
Promotional Tote Bags Come In Many Sizes

Customized tote bags are staples at trade shows and conventions. They make it easy for handing out literature and samples at health fairs and sales presentations. They also make great everyday gifts.

Companies like handing out promotional tote bags because they are not only useful to the recipient, but they show off their logo or message so it can be seen yards away. That means on the bus, train, walk from the parking lot, school or hospital.

Imprinted totes come in a wide array of styles, colors and most importantly... sizes. From miniatures to jumbo size, there is a tote for just about every use. And with a choice of non woven materials, polyester or cotton, there is a tote bag in every price range.

Personalized tote bags make great appreciation gifts, but are even better as advertising billboards. Your generously sized imprint will get plenty of attention.

The Advantage of Promotional Products

With expensive custom promotional products, one can make use of the photos taken while the celebrity holds the product to advertise their brand to the market. With leather products like bags, these are given in the hopes that the celebrity will wear these in the public thus increasing the appeal of the brand in the eyes of the clients. Popularity for the brand can also be won by having famous sports personalities wear their promotional items in the sports arena thus swaying their fans to rout for the product.
Custom promotional products are meant to increase the brand's awareness for the firm. This can be more effective with special designs for gifts given to the firm's stakeholders including those items given to reward the employees for their services to the firm over the years.
Alesia Watson is an expert for writing Articles and currently working for Office Range. For more details related to Promotional Products, Promotional Gifts.


How Marketing Methods Have Changed Over the Past Decade

Marketing is one of the main ways in which businesses generate sales and promote products and services. Marketing methods have changed over the last decade so make sure you are up-to-speed with the best ways to target potential customers.

Society has changed over the past 10 years and consequently, marketing methods have adapted to suit growing trends and customer behaviour.

Marketing is a business function which helps organisations understand what customers wants and needs are, aids development of a product or service which meets these needs and then gets the goods in front of the customer.

Marketing activities veary hugely and include everything needed to get initially create or develop a product and then get it into the hands of the customer. The function of marketing is essential for every business and can range from developing and designing a product or service to setting a price and them promoting the product appropriately.

In the not too distant past, marketing was a largely paper based activity with print media taking precedence. Technological developments over the past decade have changed the marketing methods now commonly used, so it is important to ensure your business is up-to-date with all the potential ways in which customers can be communicated with. Keeping ahead of these trends can have a profound affect on your business so it pays to be informed.

The majority of households in Britain now have internet access and this has changed the way organisations communicate with customers and market their products.

Marketers are now able to use tools such as social networking and email marketing to target prospective customers. Social media has made two-way communication easier between organisation and customer and is proving valuable when trying to gain more insight into customer’s attitudes and perceptions.

Technological advances are enabling marketing professionals to use more specifically targeted digital channels to get their message across and email marketing is a low cost way to get your message directly to consumers.

Digital marketing may be on the rise but print marketing methods are still of significance and an integrated communications approach which fuses old methods with new is the best way of moving forward.

Customer segmentation is more important than ever as audiences become more fragmented. This has led to an increase in the number of specialist publications, websites and television channels so keeping astride of this is integral to delivering targeted marketing campaigns.

Promotional materials have remained popular over the years and you can purchase branded items which are tailored to suit your audience, whoever they may be.

Promotional materials that customers are likely to use every day can enhance brand image and reputation and gain daily exposure for your company.

When it comes to choosing what sort of promotional item you wish to brand and distribute, begin by thinking about who your target audience are and what they might do on a daily basis. Items which can be used by everyone are ideal; promotional mugs, pens, bags and notebooks are all excellent examples. But it is always important, when choosing your business gifts, to allow for logistical implications - if you want to mail something out, then promotional pens are a good way to go where printed mugs would not be.

Wedding Ring And Engagement Ring: Similarities And Differences

Bands have been well acknowledged in betrothals and marriages since ancient times. In fact, it would be difficult to imagine completing engagement and wedding ceremonies without any band to attest that such events really happened. Due to their enduring presence, the use and purpose of wedding ring and engagement ring are often confounded with each other. However, it should be understood that while both these jewelry pieces are worn by women, they greatly differ from each other in many aspects.

In order to understand the difference between the wedding ring and engagement ring, let's start to look at their individual purposes. To simply put it, an engagement ring is given by the man to the woman prior to their marriage in order to signify that they are bound to be married. Wedding bands on the other hand, are exchanged by the couple on their wedding day to seal their wedding vows and signify that the wearers are united as husband and wife. After the ceremony and the years of their marriage, both the bands are worn by the woman on her left finger, while the man only wears the wedding ring since men are not accustomed to wear an engagement band.

Between wedding and engagement bands, many couples prefer investing on engagement bands. As a matter of fact, an engagement ring is probably the ring that captures more attention than the wedding ring, which is appropriate as it symbolizes the silent announcement of the engaged status of the couple. Traditionally, betrothal bands have prominent center stones, most of which are made from fine diamond jewelry. At the moment however, couples need not to buy engagement bands that are accentuated with diamond stones, rather as a less expensive option they could use other precious stones such as ruby, sapphire, opal, etc., as the center stone of the engagement ring.

Meanwhile, wedding ring is far from the grandiosity that engagement ring usually exemplify as it is often plain in finish and does not have any accents, or sometimes it is designed after the engagement ring but is a simpler version of the first. However, the design of the wedding bands is always dependent on the couple's choice; there are couples who also use fine diamond jewelry for their wedding bands, though this is not always the case as the plain finish of such band represents the sanctity of marriage. Traditionally, both wedding and engagement bands are worn on the left finger between the index and pinkie fingers because according to belief the said finger on the left hand has the vein that is directly connected to the heart which is called as vena amori. But, this is not always the case as there are cultures that place their wedding and engagement bands on the right hand.

Usually, wedding and engagement bands are purchased separately. It is also possible that they can be bought as a set, which is why some wedding bands are equally grandiose to their engagement counterparts. If you would be purchasing these bands separately, always try to consider that you would be using them on a daily basis, so when you are to pick each piece select the shape of the gemstone that would complement your lifestyle. A diamond may be hard in nature, but it can chip off or break overtime especially if it has pointed edges; in this case it would be more preferable to choose a round brilliant cut as it could last longer.

In general, wedding ring and engagement ring are two important jewelry pieces that symbolizes two of the most important stages in the relationship of couples""engagement and marriage. They have profound differences when it comes to function and design. Setting aside their differences though, what is apparent is that they share the same concept of undying love and commitment, apparently shown from their round shape that has no beginning and no end as well as the materials used to develop them. They also function as material seals that strengthen their vows and the symbolic meaning and sentimentality of the couple's devotion for each other.

Wedding ring and engagement ring are important fixtures in the relationship of couples. An engagement ring is an indication of the engaged status of couple. It is usually more expensive than the wedding ring as it is commonly made from fine diamond jewelry with round brilliant cut and side gemstones. Wedding bands on the other hand are exchanged by couples during the wedding ceremony to seal their marital vows and are simple in design and finish.

-Lorraine Jacobs

Computer Viruses

Computer Viruses that Come a Callin’

Every day new computer viruses are created to annoy us and to wreck havoc on our computer systems. Below are ten viruses currently cited as being the most prevalent in terms of being seen the most or in their ability to potentially cause damage. New viruses are created daily. This is by no means an all inclusive list. The best thing you can do is to remain vigilant, keep your anti-virus software updated, and stay aware of the current computer virus threats.

Virus: Trojan.Lodear
A Trojan horse that attempts to download remote files. It will inject a .dll file into the EXPLORER.EXE process causing system instability.

Virus: W32.Beagle.CO@mm
A mass-mailing worm that lowers security settings. It can delete Security-related registry sub keys and may block access to security-related websites.

Virus: Backdoor.Zagaban
A Trojan horse that allows the compromised computer to be used as a covert proxy and which may degrade network performance.

Virus: W32/Netsky-P
A mass-mailing worm which spreads by emailing itself to addresses produced from files on the local drives.

Virus: W32/Mytob-GH
A mass-mailing worm and IRC backdoor Trojan for the Windows platform. Messages sent by this worm will have the subject chosen randomly from a list including titles such as: Notice of account limitation, Email Account Suspension, Security measures, Members Support, Important Notification.

Virus: W32/Mytob-EX
A mass-mailing worm and IRC backdoor Trojan similar in nature to W32-Mytob-GH. W32/Mytob-EX runs continuously in the background, providing a backdoor server which allows a remote intruder to gain access and control over the computer via IRC channels. This virus spreads by sending itself to email attachments harvested from your email addresses.

Virus: W32/Mytob-AS, Mytob-BE, Mytob-C, and Mytob-ER
This family of worm variations possesses similar characteristics in terms of what they can do. They are mass-mailing worms with backdoor functionality that can be controlled through the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) network. Additionally, they can spread through email and through various operating system vulnerabilities such as the LSASS (MS04-011).

Virus: Zafi-D
A mass mailing worm and a peer-to-peer worm which copies itself to the Windows system folder with the filename Norton Update.exe. It can then create a number of files in the Windows system folder with filenames consisting of 8 random characters and a DLL extension. W32/Zafi-D copies itself to folders with names containing share, upload, or music as ICQ 2005a new!.exe or winamp 5.7 new!.exe. W32/Zafi-D will also display a fake error message box with the caption "CRC: 04F6Bh" and the text "Error in packed file!".

Virus: W32/Netsky-D
A mass-mailing worm with IRC backdoor functionality which can also infect computers vulnerable to the LSASS (MS04-011) exploit.

Virus: W32/Zafi-B
A peer-to-peer (P2P) and email worm that will copy itself to the Windows system folder as a randomly named EXE file. This worm will test for the presence of an internet connection by attempting to connect to or A bilingual, worm with an attached Hungarian political text message box which translates to “We demand that the government accommodates the homeless, tightens up the penal code and VOTES FOR THE DEATH PENALTY to cut down the increasing crime. Jun. 2004, Pécs (SNAF Team)”

History Of Computers

The history of computing hardware is the record of the constant drive to make computer hardware faster, cheaper, and store more data.Before the development of the general-purpose computer, most calculations were done by humans. Tools to help humans calculate are generally called calculators. Calculators continue to develop, but computers add the critical element of conditional response, allowing automation of both numerical calculation and in general, automation of many symbol-manipulation tasks. Computer hasundergone profound changes every decade since the 1940s.Computing hardware has become a platform for uses other than computation, such as automation, communication, control, entertainment, and education. Each field in turn has imposed its own requirements on the hardware, which has evolved in response to those requirements.Aside from written numerals, the first aids to computation were purely mechanical devices that required the operator to set up the initial values of an elementary arithmetic operation, then propel the device through manual manipulations to obtain the result. An example would be a slide rule where numbers are represented by points on a logarithmic scale and computation is performed by setting a cursor and aligning sliding scales. Numbers could be represented in a continuous "analog" form, where a length or other physical property was proportional to the number. Or, numbers could be represented in the form of digits, automatically manipulated by a mechanism. Although this approach required more complex mechanisms, it made for greater precision of results.Both analog and digital mechanical techniques to be developed, producing many practical computing machines. Electrical methods rapidly improved the speed and precision of calculating machines, at first by motive power for mechanical calculating devices, and later directly as the medium for representation of numbers. Numbers could be represented by voltages or currents and manipulated by linear electronic amplifiers. Or, numbers could be represented as discrete binary or decimal digits, and electrically-controlled switches and combinatorial circuits could perform mathematical operations.The invention of electronic amplifiers made calculating machines much faster than mechanical or electromechanical predecessors. Vacuum tube amplifiers gave way to discrete transistors, and then rapidly to monolithic integrated circuits. By defeating the Tyranny of numbers, integrated circuits made high-speed and low-cost digital computers a widespread commodity.This article covers major developments in the history of computing hardware, and attempts to put them in context. For a detailed timeline of events, see the computing timeline article. The history of computing article treats methods intended for pen and paper, with or without the aid of tables. Since all computers rely on digital storage, and tend to be limited by the size and speed of memory, the history of computer data

Harddrive recovery at its scariest

Ever had that moment when you are right in the middle of working on something super important, and all of a sudden you hear a nasty power down and reload of your drive, heard the spooky “tick wurr” on a drive, or has is stopped completely(Sony VGN-FZ11L battery)?

Dont throw it away just yet!

Follow up:

First, before we continue, I want to assure you that what I'm about to speak about is not as risky as it sounds, however, please be sure to follow these instructions; I have done this three times and had success on each one(Sony Vaio VGN-FZ31S battery).

Second, This is is a last resort, and only do this if your drive is having head crashes (the tick wurr) and or is completely stopping and starting again.

A little history on thermodynamics; and how heat and cold affect things(Sony Vaio VGN-FZ38M battery):

I'm sure you have seen before when working delicate garments how it says specific instructions for wash, such as hot water only, or similar. Maybe you've seen how bridges tend to expand and contract throughout the seasons(Sony Vaio VGN-FZ31Z battery). This is all part of physics. Heat causes things to expand, such as a delicate shirt, but since its fiber has already been stretched, it can only shrink, thus why it says do not wash in cold water. Same thing happens to bridges, however bridges are given gaps in crucial points to allow bending and moving without causing the bridge to fall(Sony Vaio VGN-FZ31M battery).

This same pattern applies within a hard drive. Though a hard drive does not have many moving parts (2 to be exact), these parts must continue to move, or be able to move throughout the life of the device. If a device begins to get too hot, the metal will expand, putting stress on the motor's internals(Sony VGN-FZ11Z battery). Notedly, heat, itself puts a lot of stress on an electrical motor, and it generates enough in itself. By applying the extreme inverse of this, and applying cold to a harddrive, the metal will contract, giving the moving parts enough 'wiggle' room to move. However, these things also rely on a lubricant to keep parts moving, too much cold will cause the lubricant to freeze up worse than having heat on the drive(Sony VGN-FZ220E battery).

Congrats, you know why your ring falls off your finger when its getting cold out, or why your finger swells when its too hot(Sony VGN-FZ17 battery).

The real trick.

So.. you've got this dead drive right? and its (obviously) got something important on it that you need back. First, you need to get yourself a new drive, at least the same size, or larger. You'll also need a system which you can plug both devices into (a running system and an external usb hard drive enclosure will also work), so that you can copy data(Sony VGN-FZ11S battery). Also, you will need 2 Zip lock bags (small freezer bags are the best), 1 Drink straw and, a consumer type freezer (one you'd commonly find in a house or apartment, maybe a small office) (Sony VGN-FZ150E battery).

Wait.. dont close this yet... yes, you read that right, a freezer. Applying the knowledge above, you can get your drive working long enough to recover your data, providing this is followed(Sony Vaio VGN-FZ21M battery ).

Take your dead drive, and put it in one ziplock bag. place the straw inside the seam of the bag, and seal the bag to edge of the straw. pinching the remainder of the opening with your fingers, pick up the drive, and suck all of the air out of the bag. you may need to plug the straw with your tongue to get as much air out of it as you can(Sony VGP-BPS13 battery). The less air you have in the bag, the less likely it is that moisture is to form as we know, moisture is not electricities friend. Once you've gotten as much air out as you can, pinch the seam of the bag tightly as you continue to suck the air out, pulling the straw out at the same time, to seal the bag completely(SONY VAIO VGN-FZ4000 Battery).

Place this bag inside the other ziplock back, and do the same. Place the bags and drive in the freezer for at minimum 25-35 minutes, and no more than 1 hour at a time. As soon as you have removed the drive from the frezer(Sony VGP-BPS11 battery), and the bags, attach the drive to the system and boot it up. When you start this system up, ensure that it has booted by both physically feeling the drive and checking bios or similar(Sony VGN-FZ460E battery).

With luck, you should have a drive working long enough to copy data. Note however, that I have done this on a 120GB Western Digital that would spindown completely and lock. Placing it in the freezer for 30-45 minutes at a time. Taking it out, putting it in the system, copying the data via linux cp or dd (rsync will work too if you must), until the drive would lock again, and repeating the process(Sony VGP-BPL15 battery).

Total time for this process is around 4 hours. Keep in mind that this is not always going to work, but is most certainly worth the try if your other options have not turned out as you expected(Sony VGP-BPL11 battery).


Choosing the best Tradesman

Tradesmen offer service that’s extremely essential in day to day life in a household. People today will need a tradesman from time to time depending on the trouble they are facing in their home. Tradesmen nowadays have advanced equipment that has helped them a good deal with their work, their function gets accomplished quite swiftly and is less strenuous. They can come with equipment and get done with their work pretty rapidly. This is benefit they’re enjoying nowadays. Technologies has definitely favored them. Finding the correct tradesman is among the most tricky tasks as there are actually so several but not all are the right ones.

It’s really hard to obtain trusted tradesmen; there are actually some persons who get conned or ripped of because of some of the tradesmen as they are not the best ones. The function that tradesmen do for you should be top notch as they are paid heavily for it. If they do a bad job then it shows as you will need to deal with the problem till it gets rectified by one more tradesman which will cost more money and will also time consuming. Building a trusted relationship with a tradesman is incredibly vital and incredibly challenging to obtain too.

Here are couple of tips on selecting the best tradesman
1. Licensed tradesmen are really significant; if the tradesman isn’t licensed then do not consider them as it could trigger lots of trouble. Make sure the license is legit.
2. Ensure that the tradesman is an insured person as some times there might be damage done by the tradesman which will then be paid of by the insurance company. This is pretty crucial as incidences do occur and really should not be borne by an individual who cannot repay it.
3. Interview tradesmen prior to you are planning to hire them as a full time tradesman. Cross question them to make sure they’re nicely trained have encounter in their field. This is also important and will aid a whole lot.
4. Consult family members or pals they will definitely be able to give you a great thought on which tradesman is good. Family and friends are undoubtedly trust able so giving them a chance will unquestionably be essential.
five. The yellow pages are also beneficial at times, but you should look into it carefully and then select the nearby tradesmen.

There’s a lot of facts which is readily available on the net on the way to get the proper tradesman
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