
Diamond Rings: What To Look Out For

Clarity is one of the four C's that impacts the quality of the diamond. It refers to the quantity of flaws found in a diamond. These flaws are imperfections caused by mistakes in cutting or that arise from the original rock. A diamond with poor clarity will have faults that are conspicuous, even to the naked eye. They will not look pleasing set in diamond rings, and have low resell value. In contrast, a diamond with great clarity is highly coveted by collectors, and will be a gift of true value to loved ones. 

Flaws can be grouped into two; external flaws are called blemishes, whereas flaws within the diamond, that can alter its ability to reflect light, are called inclusions. Since inclusions get in the way of a diamond's sparkle, they can reduce the value of a diamond more, but they can also be useful. Inclusions can be used to identify particular diamonds as a sort of diamond fingerprint. This can be used to secure your diamond rings. 

Diamonds are graded based on how easy it is to perceive these flaws. This grading occurs while they are still loose diamonds. There are several gemological organizations worldwide that have developed separate grading systems, although in many cases they are very similar. You should familiarize yourself with the grading system used in the store where you buy your diamond. When shopping for diamond rings, you will want to assess the clarity of the diamond above anything else. Clarity is one of the main factors used in determining a diamond's monetary value. It is a standard employed by gemological organizations across the board. 

To ensure you get diamonds of the highest clarity, get loose diamonds first. You can make an ocular inspection of the diamonds before buying. You can ask the jeweler for a loupe or magnifier so that you can view them under 10 x magnification. If they are unwilling to let you take a closer look, you may as well look elsewhere.

Be careful when picking jewelry stores as well. One store may be offering rock cheap prices, or limited period sales. Don't just think of saving up money now; you'll get stuck with trifling baubles ten years later. You'll want to get diamonds of lasting value. You can buy a good quality diamond at a reasonable price, if you take the time to learn about diamonds.

When shopping for diamond rings, you will want to assess the clarity of the diamond above anything else. Clarity is one of the main factors used in determining a diamond's monetary value. Don't look at jewelry stores at face value. To ensure you get diamonds of the highest clarity, get loose diamonds first. You can buy a good quality diamond at a reasonable price, if you take the time to learn about diamonds.


T-shirt design printing: Choosing between screen printing and digital printing

Different techniques can be used to print your t-shirt design onto your T-shirt, and unsurprisingly, they produce different results. In this article, we examine screen printing and digital t-shirt printing, and the pros and cons of each one, to help you choose the best way to create your dream t-shirt.

Screen printing for t-shirts
If you had an industrious art teacher at school, you may have tried a simple version of screen printing in which a template for each color of your design creates the spaces where the ink can be pressed onto the fabric. The same principle applies in professional t-shirt screen printing, although there is more automation of the actual printing once the set-up has been completed.

Digital printing
This is sometimes called "direct to garment digital printing" or simply DTG. This technique involves the application of textile water-based inks to the t-shirt using a specialized digital printer The design is usually fixed onto the garment with a heat press.

Choosing the best t-shirt printing technique
When considering which technique to choose for a t-shirt print run, many people ask which provides the best quality finish. In fact, the best technique depends on the t-shirt design you want to print, as some are better suited to each technique. It also depends on the colors you are printing and the color of the base garment too.

The best T-shirt designs for screen printing
Bold designs with thick lines and few colors are best suited to screen printing, producing very high quality results. If you are using a digital image with fine color blending or black and white shading in your t-shirt design, screen printing will simply not be able to reproduce the image well.
Of course, other factors will influence the price of your t-shirt run, such as the number being produced, especially as screen printing does involve more setting up before printing can begin. The number of colors in the design also affects the price as a different screen is required for each color.
If your T-shirt design is relatively simple, screen printing may well be the best option as it produces a very high quality finish. Many in the t-shirt printing industry maintain that the best vibrancy of color can only be produced by screen printing.
The durability of screen printed t-shirts following multiple wears and washes is also considered to be the best, but of course, the quality of inks used and the base garment will also be a factor.

The best T-shirt designs for digital printing
Advances in printing technology have improved the finish of digitally printed t-shirts immensely over recent years. If you tried it a few years ago and were disappointed by seeing dots in your design, don't let it discourage you now. Modern digital t-shirt printing machines produce better finishes now, with better durability than ever before.
If you are using a photograph or complex, multicolored image in your t-shirt design, digital printing is the way to go as it can reproduce photo realistic designs. In addition, it's the cheaper option if you only need a small number of t-shirts produced as the set-up costs are lower.
One important factor to consider with digital printing is the color of the base garment, as generally that color is the most prominent in the design, and as a result, best effects are achieved using white t-shirts when printing a multicolored design. Only the very best DTG t-shirt printers may be able to get excellent results with black or dark colored t-shirts. Printing white ink can still be problematic, so avoiding using DTG t-shirt printing for designs that contain substantial white areas, especially on dark base garments, is a wise choice.

With the advances in digital T-shirt printing over recent years, it's no longer simply a case of "screen printing produces the best results" - instead, start with the needs of your design and examine whether screen printing or DTG digital T-shirt printing can best reproduce it.
In short, if your design is simple and has few colors, generally screen printing is the method to opt for, but may be more expensive for a small print run. If your T-shirt design involves many colors and photo realistic images, then digital printing should be your first choice. Of course, the best t-shirt printing companies will be happy to give you advice on what is best for your needs.

Sport Your Logo With Custom Gym Bags

Now that most athletes are moving it indoors in the cooler air, they will need to bring a change of clothes and toiletries with them to the gym. But instead of using a drawstring bag or a plastic one, you can provide clients and employees with customized gym bags.

Stylish and roomy duffel bags feature your logo on the outside for everyone to see outside and inside the tennis club, gymnasium or YMCA. Promotional gym and sports bags also contain plenty of room inside for a change of clothes, a towel, soap, hair brush and even shoes.

Sport your logo or brand to be seen by clients, staff members and plenty of other potential clients your recipients come in contact with.


History Of Computers

The history of computing hardware is the record of the constant drive to make computer hardware faster, cheaper, and store more data.Before the development of the general-purpose computer, most calculations were done by humans. Tools to help humans calculate are generally called calculators. Calculators continue to develop, but computers add the critical element of conditional response, allowing automation of both numerical calculation and in general, automation of many symbol-manipulation tasks. Computer hasundergone profound changes every decade since the 1940s.Computing hardware has become a platform for uses other than computation, such as automation, communication, control, entertainment, and education. Each field in turn has imposed its own requirements on the hardware, which has evolved in response to those requirements.Aside from written numerals, the first aids to computation were purely mechanical devices that required the operator to set up the initial values of an elementary arithmetic operation, then propel the device through manual manipulations to obtain the result. An example would be a slide rule where numbers are represented by points on a logarithmic scale and computation is performed by setting a cursor and aligning sliding scales. Numbers could be represented in a continuous "analog" form, where a length or other physical property was proportional to the number. Or, numbers could be represented in the form of digits, automatically manipulated by a mechanism. Although this approach required more complex mechanisms, it made for greater precision of results.Both analog and digital mechanical techniques to be developed, producing many practical computing machines. Electrical methods rapidly improved the speed and precision of calculating machines, at first by motive power for mechanical calculating devices, and later directly as the medium for representation of numbers. Numbers could be represented by voltages or currents and manipulated by linear electronic amplifiers. Or, numbers could be represented as discrete binary or decimal digits, and electrically-controlled switches and combinatorial circuits could perform mathematical operations.The invention of electronic amplifiers made calculating machines much faster than mechanical or electromechanical predecessors. Vacuum tube amplifiers gave way to discrete transistors, and then rapidly to monolithic integrated circuits. By defeating the Tyranny of numbers, integrated circuits made high-speed and low-cost digital computers a widespread commodity.This article covers major developments in the history of computing hardware, and attempts to put them in context. For a detailed timeline of events, see the computing timeline article. The history of computing article treats methods intended for pen and paper, with or without the aid of tables. Since all computers rely on digital storage, and tend to be limited by the size and speed of memory, the history of computer data. 


Inner Part of a Hard Drive

Platter The shape of a plate or dish that serves as a store data.Berbentuk round, a compact disc, a magnetic pattern on the flanks of permukaanya.Platter made of metal that contains millions of tiny magnets, called the magnetic-domain domain.Domain This is set in one or two directions to represent binary "1" and "0" The disc consists of several tracks, and some sectors, where track and sctor this is where the data storage and file system. For example our hard drives with a capacity of 40 GB, when the format is its capacity to 40 Gb. because there must be a trac and sectors used to store the ID identifier of formatting the hard drive. The number plate of each disk is different, depending on the technology used and the capacity of each hard-disk harddisk.Untuk latest output, usually a plate has a capacity of 10 to 20 Gigabyte.Contohnya a 40 Gigabyte hard drive capacity, usually consisting of two plates, each with a capacity of 20 Gigabyte.
Spindle Spindle is a place to put platter.Poros shaft has a drive that functions to rotate the plate with a spindle drive which is called here the role motor.Spimdle participate in determining the quality of putaranya hard drive because the sooner, the better the quality harddisknya.Satuan means for measuring the velocity is Rotation Per Minutes or so-called RPM.Ukuran that we often hear for the speed of this rotation include 5400 RPM, 7200 RPM or 10,000 RPM.
Head This tool serves to read data on the surface of the plate and record information to the hard drive dalamnya.Setiap plate has two head.Satu above the surface and one below the surface. This head in the form of an electromagnetic device which is placed on the plate surface and attaches to a slider.Slider attached to a stalk attached to the actuator arms arms.Actuator actuator mounted on the shaft to death by a board called the logic board. Therefore, when the hard work should not be any shock or vibration, because the head can swipe a hard disk so that it will lead to Bad Sector, and can also cause damage to Head Hard disk so it can no longer read the disk track and sector of the hard disk.
Logic Board Logic Board is a board on the hard disk operation, where the logic board so that there is a Bios HDD hard drive when connected to the Mother Board automatically recognize the hard drive, such as Maxtor, Seagete etc.. in addition to the Bios hard drive is also a switch Logic Board or Power Supply and distribution of data from the HDD to Head ki mother board for control by the processor.
Actual Axis Is the axis for a handle or as a robotic arm that can be read sctor Head of the hard drive.
Ribbon Cable Ribbon cable is the liaison between the Head with the Logic Board, where any document or data read by the Head will be sent to the Logic Board to the next in order to send to the Mother Board Processor can process data in accordance with the received input.
IDE connector Is the connecting cable between the hard drive with matherboard to send or receive data. Right now the average hard drive is already using the system so it does not require cable SATA Tape (Cable IDE)
Jumper Settings Each hardis have jumper settings, its function is to determine the position of the hard drive. When we installed on the computer hard drive 2 pieces, then by setting jumper settings we can determine where the hard drive where the primary and secondary hard disk is usually called the Master and Slave. Master is the main hard drive where the system is installed, while the Slave is the second hard drive is usually required for storage of documents and data. When the jumper settings are not set, then the hard drive will not work.
Power connector Is the current source directly from the power supply. Power supply on the hard disk there are two parts: 1. Voltage 12 Volt, serves to drive the mechanics such as dish and Head. 2. 5 V, serves to mesupply power on the Logic Board to work to send and receive data.

Computer Hard Discs

The storage of the data is a very critical task. Different medias are used for the storage of data like Floppy discs,Hard discs,Writable CDs, Writeable DVDS,Tape Drives ,DAT Drives etc. Hard discs or Hard Disc Drives or simply HDD were introduced in IBM Machines in 1956.
Now a Days HDD are also used in Digital Video Recorders , Digital Audio Players and ,Digital Cameras .It was 2005 when SAMSUNG AND Nokia used Hard Discs in Mobile Phones . To secure Data on Networks NAS (Network Attached Storage ) and SAN ( Storage Area Network ) Hard discs are used.
When you talk about form factor of HDD ,it means the size of the hard disc ,there are many sizes like in 1979 the size was 8 Inches ,then in 1980 Seagate introduced 5.25 Inches HDDs .In 1984 3.5 Inch Hard Drive was introduced . 2.5 Inch HDD was introduced by PrairieTek in 1988. Then for Digital Audio Players 1.8 Inch Hard Disc was introduced . Now a Days the smallest form factor is 0.85 Inch used for Mobile Phones.